Saturday, April 17, 2010


A Surprise on your birthday, what more can one ask for ? When I saw mine for this birthday I went through a whole gamut of emotions .First, layer of Happiness,then disappointment next amazement, and last but not least pressure , all rolled into one like a sushi.

All you husbands/boyfriends out there who have ever given an excuse of forgetting their wife/girlfriend's birthday , I have one word for you 'Lucky '. As for me I can't even give that pretext to my wife as both our birthday are on consecutive days . What will I say '' Honey,I don't even know the day and month when I was born . When I have filled at least thousand of paper work for education,banking , visa, with a mandatory fill in the blank against the letter DOB (date of birth ). This justification will never fly.
For a past few years , it is a usual dinner or a lunch on either of our birthdays , no big gifts , or celebrations. But this time she decided to bowl a googly at me . Whoever says women cant keep any secret is all balderdash. We decided to go for lunch on the day of my birthday . She carried her usual load of things a purse and another bag , phone ,sunglasses . We reached the restaurant . She excused herself to go to the restroom. So far so good. We ordered our dishes and the waiter came back with mine and says to her it will be twenty more minute for hers . ''Twenty more minutes for hers what did she order?, I did not even pay attention '' I thought.

I waited patiently for 15 minutes. I should have guessed ,there is more than meets the eye , when she did not allow me to eat my dish . A few minutes later , I saw a waitress walking in with a cake and a package. The first thoughts in my mind was ''This is a brilliant idea , I can do this for her tomorrow.Thank you dear waitress for getting this to my notice''. The next second it felt she was coming towards me that just gave me the heebie-jeebieses . ''Oh no , is this cake for me. If it is , what will I do for a suprise for her tomorrow ''?.All these horrifying thoughts clouded my mind .The petite waitress then turned and it looked if she was going to the other table, I heaved a sigh of relief . She then picked the lighter from there and lo and behold put the white key lime pie icing cake on our table. My worst fear had come true , it was a surprise cake for me. The letters written on the cake starred at me and I starred them back ''Happy Birthday Rahul''. Not to mention there was a packet with the cake which had THE ipad. Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.Stress of performing better tomorrow had creeped up and was at its peak.Instead of overwhelming joy I was experiencing performance anxiety . And if I knew myself better, I will crumble under the pressure and never be able to surpass her tomorrow .

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm.... I would like to know what happened next day? :-)
